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Refund Policy

Your Order Cancellation Rights

As a valued customer, you have the right to cancel your subscription order within 7 days of service activation, no questions asked.

Cancellation Deadline

You are eligible to cancel your subscription within a 7-day period, starting from the date the service was activated on your account. This provides you with the flexibility to reassess your decision and ensures your satisfaction with our services.

How to Cancel

To initiate a cancellation, please inform us of your decision through one of the following methods:

Email: Send a cancellation request to

Website: Visit our cancellation page at Boomimart Cancellation Request.

Phone: Contact us directly at +91 7871997663 to speak with a customer service representative.

Refund Process

Upon receiving your cancellation request, we will process your refund promptly. Refunds are issued using the original payment method used during the subscription purchase. You can expect the refund to be completed within 14 days from the date we acknowledge your cancellation request.

No Additional Fees

We guarantee that the refund will be made in full, with no deductions for transaction fees. Our aim is to keep this process as simple and transparent as possible, reflecting our commitment to customer satisfaction and trust.

Further Assistance

If you have questions about how to cancel or require assistance during the process, our customer support team is here to help. You can reach out through any of the provided contact methods for support.